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Blaptica Dubia also known as Orange-spotted roach, Guyana spotted roach, or Argentinian wood roach are apart of the "Blaberidae" which is the second biggest cockroach family to exist, reaching 1-2 inches. Dubia are naturally found in Central and South America. Starting as high as Costa Rica all the way to Argentina. Dubias went from a pest to a delicacy inside of the reptile world.
Dubias in the wild are scavangers, consuming fruits and grains, and getting their protein from animal feces and meat.
In captivity keepers feed them veggies, fruits, and meats for protein. Popular foods would be dog food, chick feed, oranges, bananas, greens, sweet potatoes, and squash.
Dubias usually become sexually mature at around 5-6 months, are very simple to breed, and beneficial to you as a reptile owner in the long run. Living up to 2 years. They're sexually dimorphic meaning males and females are easy to differentiate, males have wings (fortunately they don't fly), and females have wing stubs and very dark compared to the juveniles.
It is recommended to keep them in large tote bins found at your local hardware store, with egg flats leaning against the walls of the bin. They do best in temps between 80-85F for breeding, and humidity between 40-60%, they could tolerate higher but not below 40% which would create breeding complications once they hatch. Make sure they always have access to food and water, water crystals is our best choice for them to stay hydrated. Maintaining the bin clean is important for a healthy colony, Dermestid beetles are great for keeping your bins clean eating up dead roaches and even eating roach droppings and frass.
Native to the island of Madagascar the Gromphadorhina portentosa; commonly known as the Madagascar Hissing Roach is one of the largest roach species. A popular pet for beginner insect keepers. Although also used in the reptile hobby as feeders, most people like to keep this species as pets.
Our roaches are fed the same diet across the board. As the main staple food for them includes antibiotic free chick feed, oranges, and bananas. Although their diet is slightly varied. we provide some of the best care you could give roaches. To us as Featured Creatures we pride ourselves on knowing you are feeding your reptile/animal the best of the best.
Madagascar hissers are one of the largest roach species in the world reach lengths of 2-4 inches. They are great climbers compared to dubia so a big plastic bin with an air tight lid is recommended. The bin is also lined with egg flats that are reversed faced to each other giving the roaches plenty more space to crawl around on. We feed our roaches 2-3 times a week some days being oranges as their primary food source and other days being banana. Since MHC are from a tropical island it is best to put an external heat source on them because they do better in the ranges of 80 F - 100 F.